
Private AI Chat with Your Own Data

Fru™ is your private and secure GPT4+ chat that is trained securely with your own data! You can keep your AI private and secure or you can Share it and earn revenue off of your prior writings!

Private and secure ChatGPT

Privacy and security comes built in at We've also unlocked revenue generation for YouTube creators and authors.

Bring Your Own Data

Bring your prior sales documentation, training data, any information you want to have an AI chat with.

We've got the AI

Custom AI models trained on your data. We unlock the power of your inhouse documentation, sales data, training data, and other tacit knowledge.

2 minute onboarding

The easiest onboarding ever. Two minutes until you're working with your owned AI chat bot.

Broad Integrations

We don't discriminate on your data source or integration. We want you to bring the data you want. We'll make it work

Usage based pricing

No long sales process. Try it out. Use or don't. It's that simple.

US Based

Closed source, secured by Snyk. We keep your data safe.

Subscriber AI Chat

Create an AI bot based on your YouTube Videos

AI Chat for Authors

Create AI for your readers. Earn on the chats.

Creators Earn $ with AI

Earn $ with every chat interaction with your content.

Works with your technologies

Use AI securely with your own data

Use private chats trained with your own securely stored information.