Author AI Generate Revenue w/ AI

Brad Anderson
#ai#private-ai#copyright ai’s mission is providing an avenue for author’s to generate revenue with their AI. Here’s how we do this: For Authors, Generate Revenue from AI is a novel platform designed to disrupt the revenue mechanics for published authors. With, writers can derive income from their previous books, opening up a considerable passive income prospect. This is made viable by’s unique AI capabilities for authors that let your readers have a generative AI chat with you! For YouTube Channel Owners facilitates you to generate AI revenue off your YouTube channel. After you login and sign up with Stripe you’ll see a YouTube option. From there you’ll connect your channel. This gets you going on generating AI Revenue off of your YouTube videos using AI.

How Fru Enables Revenue Generation

After you create your account you need to tweak a few settings to start earning revenue.

  1. First, make your Private Project a Shared Project. This allows other account holders to join your project. If they use your Shared Project you earn revenue off of that usage.
  2. Second, complete the Stripe sign up which appears under your account profile after you make a Shared Projects. This is how we pay you for your usage.
  3. Promote your AI on your own channels. You can get the shared URL link. You can also encourage others to join Fru and select the AI.
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