Tutorials How to Set Up a Private AI Chatbot with A Step-by-Step Guide

Brad Anderson

Creating a private AI chatbot with the ability to search and interact with your own documents can be a complex task. However, with, this process is simplified and accessible for all. Set up takes two minutes! You can click on the sign up above to get started. The instructions below provide more context to the sign up flow.

Step 1: Sign Up for

Before you can set up your private chatbot, you must first create an account on the platform.

  1. Visit to create an account. Confirm your email and create your first private ai project during the sign up.

Step 2: Complete the Billing Setup only charges for usage of the AI chatbot. Fees are not added in for users, storage, processing, or any other fees.

  1. Click on Billing and complete.

Step 3: Use the Private Chat Bot on Generic Data

  1. You can use the general GPT 4+ chat to have private conversations that are not saved or used in any other training process. What you type in there is deleted as soon as you leave the page.

Step 4: Create a Private ChatBot to Converse with Your Own Data

  1. Click on Projects.
  2. Click on “Files” to upload files from your device or add links to documents hosted online.
  3. Wait for the documents to be processed and added to your chatbot (processing is fast).

Step 5: AI Conversations with your Data

To have private Chat with your data click on the Chat button on your Project.

  1. Click on Projects.
  2. Select the Chat next to the Project you want to Chat with.

Step 6: Invite Users

You can invite as many users as you’d like.

  1. Click on Teams
  2. Invite

And there you have it! You now have a private AI chatbot set up to interact with your own documents using This powerful tool can greatly improve the user experience on your website and streamline interactions with your content.

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